Outdoor Training when you can
Boot Camp is a fun, motivating, highly exhilarating military style outdoor training program designed to challenge all aspects of your health and fitness. Its 7 weeks of intense training that will give you serious results. The Beach Boot Camp program I designed consists of 14 - 21, 1hr session’s taking place over a 7 weeks period.
Of course not, that's why you are coming a program like that. On day one of the course all registered clients go through a Basic Fitness Assessment (BFA), allowing for special designed programs which cater for their needs and each recruit is placed into a team depending on his/her individual fitness level
The physical benefits from Beach Boot Camp include increased fitness (cardio) levels, reduced body fat and increased muscle tone. The results gained however are not only physical as many recruits also report that they sleep better, have more energy and in some cases feel more confidence and motivation in all other areas of their lives. Many of our recruits use Beach Boot Camp as a kick-start to achieving a healthier life style
• It is run completely outdoors.
• Safe program design with no contraindicative exercises drills or circuits.
• a focus on quality instruction and execution of all exercises and drills.
• you don't only challenge and motivate you physically body, but mentally and emotionally you become stronger as well.
• At our camps we do not 'yell and scream' at our recruits therefore providing a motivating not fearful experience.
• you will see and feel the difference (even) in the first two weeks.
THE perform activities include but not limit one to:
• Squad Runs (all together as a team),
Stair Climbs, Sand Jogging and Hill Training.
• Functional Body Weight Strength sessions, with a strong focus a correct exercise execution, for I totally believe in technique
• Specifically designed Mission Days to challenge individuals and teams not only on a physical but mental level.
• BFA = Basic Fitness Tests - to gauge 'where you are at' before, during and at the end of your program
As mentioned before the course is designed to challenge you physically & mentally. Safety is a priority of ours regarding Beach-Boot Camp. We take every precaution to ensure that you are safe at all times. All instructors carry first aid kits and are trained to use them. We encourage every recruit to manage their own personal safety by wearing suitable exercise clothing, shoes and to maintain safe levels of hydration during exercise. Each recruit is required to complete a Recruit Enlistment Form and where necessary will be advised to obtain medical clearance prior to commencement. Also note that our instructors can prevent you from participating if they suspect any activity will be unsafe or dangerous for your health and well being
Working with a Personal Trainer will benefit you by offering you:
• Structure - Meeting your Personal Trainer for appointments will ensure you get regular exercise
• Results - Personal Trainers are educated to ensure you get results, so they can make the most of your time in the club
• Variety - They will keep your training interesting with different exercises and techniques to keep you on track
• Motivation - Progress means results, and results mean motivation to strive for that next level of fitness!
• Progression - As your fitness improves; your Personal Trainer will always modify your exercise to ensure maximum enjoyment and maximum results!
• A partner who's goal is to help you achieve your goals
Level 1 Personal Trainers are usually new to the industry. They have attained their Certificate IV Personal Trainers qualifications or possess Certificate III and are working on completing their Certificate IV qualifications, while being mentored by a more senior trainer or Personal Training Manager. Level 1 trainers offer great services and skills to help you achieve your goals.
Level 2 Personal Trainers make up majority of trainers and have at least 1 to 3 years experience. They possess all the skills necessary to help you achieve amazing results and are continually developing their skills.
Level 3 Personal Trainers are our most experienced and highest level of trainer. They are established professionals and have supported their knowledge with continual development. They are highly motivating and will provide you with a first class service that will ensure you maximize your results. They have a proven track record of success not only with their business, but with clients alike!
One-on-One personal training
• complete personalized attention
• the best and fastest way to achieve results
• Session lengths and package options can be tailored to your needs
Group personal training, in and out door
• Added benefit of training with a friend(s) or family member(s)
• A cost effective way of utilizing the benefit of personal training
• Available in groups of 2, 3 or 4
• Traditionally Personal Training has been sold in blocks of sessions or packages (i.e. 1, 5, 10, 15 sessions)
• Variable discounts usually apply for larger packages
• Ask your trainer about the 30, 45, or 60 minute options
•I recommend you to always get a receipt from your trainer!
Effective Sand filled bag Training
To be able to train in today’s times is such a great advantage. We have the ability to get information instantaneously, as well as we have a greater variety of training equipment available than ever before. Some equipment is more beneficial than other, but our choices seem limitless. By having so many different options, it encourages the fun factor in training that many people tend to forget about.
One type of training that sometimes gets forgotten is sand filled bag training. Sandbags are easy to learn, challenge the whole body, and have more versatility than almost any other form of equipment.
So why sand filled bag training? The most obvious seems to be the simplicity of their use. One does not need to invest hundreds of Rand’s before starting with one of our 7-week programs, and they are easy to get hold off.
You definitely want to pay attention to your lifting posture, but outside of that most of the fun is trying to figure out how to lift the bag.
Sand filled bag training lifting has the ability to challenge not only strength, but endurance as well. A good bag will force the lifter to maneuver and adjust to the awkward weight. This definitely causes the body to use more muscles and expends greater energy as it is hard to get into one consistent groove.
These kind of training programs, as well as the beach-boot camp, scream empowerment and its one way to feel your strength as a guy and to celebrate women hood in a different way.
For the women who at some point of their life have no choice but to carry shopping bags, this increases the grip strength, and so is another great reason to use sandbags. This piece of equipment is one of the most frustrating to workout with, but the results speak for them selves. Because sandbags have no convenient place to grab, one needs to constantly search for an open spot and then crush grip. Versatility is important when choosing any form of equipment. Sandbags are in expensive, but they can be used for any movement that you can think of from common gym exercises like squats, lunges & thigh workouts, to jogging, climbing, dragging, and throwing.
You are guarantied to get empowering results with such a variety. Along with the various exercises come the many holding positions one can use with sandbags, especially excellent for women’s lower body workout.
Also as the exercises get easy, there is plenty alternatives one can introduce.
Just to recap that the Beach-Boot camp has a great element of nature backing it up and the outdoor training program you get to try, has the main benefit which comes from the fresh oxygen in the air we breath-provided you find the least air-polluted venue, i.e. forest, beach or park.
The sand filled bag training easily lend themselves to team or group training. Because of their transportability, they are easy to set up for small or large groups of women, that in it self is a great way to train, with the added value of team building and self-esteem building.
It is great for those who wish to combine strength and field work and are pressed for time. Full-body lifts and challenge various motor qualities such as maximal strength, endurance, and power development can all be integrated due to the use-friendly element of the sandbag.
Finally, with the sand filled bag training you get the perfect 3D workout, as well as the type of trunk training that occurs during each exercise is almost a good enough reason to try out the 7 week program this spring, and get your self the dynamic healthy body your mind deserves.
What ever exercise you decide to do from squatting, running, a lunge, jumping or any strength and muscle building movement while holding the sandbag/s in various positions, you will feel empowered by it.
Challenges like these to the muscles are the perfect way to shock the body resulting in fast improvement.
to Implement Sandbags
As with any other form of training, sand filled bag training really comes down to one’s goals. If maximal strength, endurance, or speed are your specific goals, then the program has to be designed according to good training principles. However, one can try to improve several components if the program is designed appropriately.
Circuits: Since fatigue can be somewhat specific, creating a program that emphasizes strength on a lift such as a squat can be followed with relatively short rest by an exercise like an overhead press, and so on.
Density Training: many great coaches have written extensively about the benefits of density work. There are several variants and different programs to go by.
Using different programs you can set up a sand filled bag training routine using a squat with the bag over both shoulders and power clean and jerk. Use a weight you can hit ten repetitions with, but you are only going to be performing sets of five. Set a time frame, approximately fifteen minutes, and alternate between these two exercises using only as much rest as needed.
You don’t have to use only sand filled bags. In fact, I highly encourage that you use a variety of implements in your training hopefully including sand filled bags. A tool such as a sand filled bag can be used instead of a standard barbell or dumbbell lift such as squats, dead lifts, clean & jerks, presses, rows, etc. By changing the implement some new neural stimulus can often lead to new gains when you go back to the standard lift.
Another option is to use sand filled bag training as a form of active recovery. You can easily change the load to enhance a motor skill and keep mobility without excessively taxing the body. Using a lighter load for your squat will allow you to enhance the groove of the lift and maintaining flexibility without draining the body from the core routines. Odd lifts such as squatting with the bag on one shoulder can increase core strength that may complement your squatting routine. Some lifts are just a great overall new challenge such as the Turkish get-up bear hugging a bag. While as sick as this may sound, it can definitely stimulate the fun factor that may help training once again.
With so many options sandbags are a simple and easy method and tool to implement. It isn’t a miracle technique but will challenge you in new ways and again don’t underestimate the fact fun while training can bring a world of new progress!
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