Thursday, July 24, 2008

the Firezone Lifestyle Academy

M O D U S   V I V E N D I

Welcome to FIREZONE, a Lifestyle Academy

 WAY OF LIFE is a world of complete TAO where time is left at the door and a natural state of harmony returns. Set in world's most beautiful city, on the most ultimate coastline.
It is one of those additions to Cape Town's ultimate lifestyle you would not want to miss out on, it is a Holistic experience with a difference. The difference we offer is one of guarantee to make you feel and look healthier then ever before, and most of all longevity to your life, helping your body to cope with the stress of every day Lifestyle. It is the change we all have been waiting for, to be able to prevent a degenerating disease and spend years trying to cure the irreversible.
Our livers are the key to our health.

If you subscribe to my monthly newsletter you will get to read some interesting facts to help you get a better understanding of how our bodies function.

Help your body help YOU.

FIREZONE is a Liver Detox and Rejuvenating Clinic with a variety of programs to suit your individual needs. Our specialty it’s a se7en week experience of a sensory space for men and women to escape the pressures of daily living, a space where you get to channel all energy into healing your bodies. Live in or experience according to the nature of your program.

Our bodies are our life vehicles and if left in chaos and out of balance they will feel the affects of our inner bodies taking strain.
We have total control over our life force and only we can drive it to an ultimate lifestyle.
Embrace oneness of body, mind and spirit

Mission Statement: Rejuvenation from Relaxation in a timeless world of Harmonious Peace.



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we all miss out on a experience - at one time or never

Descartes' Laws of Motion

The motion of these particles and all other objects in nature are subject to the laws of motion Descartes had observed: 1) “…each particular part of matter always continues in the same state unless collision with others forces it to change its state.” 2) “…when one of these bodies pushes another it cannot give the other any motion except by losing as much of its own motion at the same time…” 3) “…when a body is moving…each of its parts individually tends always to continue moving along a straight line” (Gaukroger)


Is it The act, activity or the sport. Or is it just “legal blows”. box·ing