Magdalena Beata Wysoczanska
Magdalena Beata Wysoczanska a Polish-born, Creative Interior & Fashion Designer became a “Holistic body-mind-core professional” and natural food consultant. This was shortly after being selected to team up with 11 others, to form the International MTN Gladiators. “Fire", established a name in the industry through constantly motivating the public on National and International television.
Nothing ever could be impossible after this chapter in my life, “I proved to me and to the people around me that from not doing sports at school I achieved what was thought to be impossible”
Inspired by her on going dedication she then embarked on new venture by investing time and energy on alternative nutrition and health. Her Fathers fight against cancer pursued her to explore every possible avenue which could help the body to cope with the illness. Every finding was a little step to strengthening the body and its immunity against the disease. Together they researched and implemented what they found made sense on the nutrition side as well as on the physical elements which added to the balance created, within the body, and expended Magdalena’s father’s life from only six months when he got diagnosed to thirteen years.
Through this very experience, living with the man she loved and watching him fight with every bit of determination, the most obvious transformation occurred, spiritually, mentally and with out a doubt physically.
She took on her own journey in parallel with her father’s, where hers was a metamorphosis from the non-active, little eating - model like individual to a harmonious, body-mind balanced human with a craving to learn about the human ‘Modus Vivendi’ (manner of living) & body's mechanics.
This was a justifiable way to identify the inter-relationship between body, mind and soul, which needed to reach a level at which mind feeds of the soul in order to feed the body.
Her father’s mind-body-soul connection was built on the research they have done and promoted the unity and strength. The core of this connection was related to the cellular movement in the body and the stimulation of the mind… …..
Her Father documented 13 years of every body assessment, evaluation, experiment and elimination process which he had to undergo. Together they investigated each medical proof, trial run and verification of treatments and workshops which corresponded to his particular case.
Two years of practical interactive studding of the physical body, anatomy and mechanics under the supervision of Avi Joseph (in those days was with Reebok instructors alliance, who also helped her to get the certification required) offered Magdalena the opportunity to guide her father, motivate herself and educate the people around her. What stemmed from the constant believe, that the mind controls the body and feeds the soul, is a greater physical and mental balance, which she now passes on to her clients on a daily basis.
It is in the proof that the body is cleaver enough and strong enough to fight its battle, with a little help from the intuitive self with the crude, whole, raw approach to the biology and life science within our natural environment.
It is rewarding when you can take your body to the next zone, which seems almost impossible and yet so easily attainable when given the right tools. However it can be challenging on so many levels. Progressively and successfully Magdalena is collecting the tools which make up the principles for a solid support structure of the body-mind interaction.
Each person should be allowed excess to balance, a healthy body, incredible mind and an enriched soul, together with beauty all round. Only then can one heal oneself, and together with a great knowledge on how to train the body you can truly become in touch with yourself.
Magdalena now specialises in three dimensional training, flexibility, functional strength, endurance, power, injury prevention and sport-specific training, as well as core strength. She also runs beach boot camps, and does a lot of outdoor training including step running, rollerblading with the clients which want something different. Other training camps inc. kids, power drills and sprints.
After eight years of dedication to Hatha Yoga, she followed in the footsteps yoga master, and completed the basic philosophy module which certifies her to incorporate yoga into her training, affording her clients to get the best benefits from both physical and mental fitness.
Meal Planning is very much a part of a healthy lifestyle, and out of great respect to her clients and passion for her work, that she continues to study and research the human nutritional needs and natural organic approach to food and the major role it plays in our daily lifestyle. The importance of a balanced, natural raw meal is one that determines the body’s ability to fight off disease, and the strength on the immunity is only built up with right knowledge of how the body functions as a whole, as one machine, one body-mind-core unit. She follows a very raw diet, which maintains the energy levels she requires during the day.
An athlete herself (training with a coach for professional beach volley ball at moment), she developed a craving to be the best at everything she trained for, and to know the best way to pass the message on.
During the 8 years of training with her sports-specific personal trainer, she got excess to the best of the best. The proof is in her. Imagine no sports at school, a non athletic background as well as no competitive skills, to an all rounder in the Gladiator arena, and a master at all the games. “This just goes to show anything is possible”!
In 2000 she partnered up her trainer and the Reebok instructor/educator and together they opened “In Toto” (first centre to use stability balls, and free weights only-no machines). It was a holistic one-on-one fitness centre in Johannesburg. By then she had already bought into Yoga and meditation, and packaged all the elements under one training style. Mobilization is the key to long lasting youth, health and longevity and she knows how to guide her clients in the best way possible.
With the Yoga aspect playing a big role in her life, becoming a vegetarian was a no brainier and because she already started implementing all the principles since 1995 it was easy to fine tune her meal planning to derive the best she could from the food that nature offers. She has not looked back, but in fact has managed to introduce various elements of the holistic, raw energy diet into every one of her clients customized nutritional meal plan.
Now teaches beginner and kid’s yoga while continually motivating the public with her passion for life, fitness, health, nutrition and sports. At RBSI her speciality is KINESIS, a new cable system working every muscle group simulating everyday movement, is like no other.
The combination of Yoga and Kinesis is her latest, a project Magdalena wants to launch world wide. I have experience in stunt work, did a few adverts and worked on Lord of war. I am now busy training to be a professional volley ball player….. to play over seas.
Now a days I am tapping into the executive on the move, fitness in the corporate world and currently designing packages to suit the needs of traveling business people.
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