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firegirrrl "the zone"
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Why Muscle Is Key For Longevity | Dr. Gabrielle Lyon
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Balance Exercises
Whether you're recovering from an injury or developing your overall strength, balance exercises have the capabilities to provide you with well-rounded fitness, coordination, and help to stay active.
The most integral part of balance exercises is the interaction between your mind and soul through various movements. Your eyes, ears, muscles, and joints are all connected to the brain, which means your body has to make required adjustments according to each movements you make. To obtain perfect alignment, the body actually readjusts itself to keep that balance and make you more efficient so that you use less muscles throughout the activity. A more technical term for in balance is called proprioception. When you gain perfect proprioception, your body has the sensibility to understand where your body is in space and how it should react. Undergoing balance exercises and training, no matter what your age may be, you gain the opportunity to improve the communication between your mind and body, and hence, improve your balance.
Balance Exercises for Vertigo
A person suffering from vertigo feels an illusion of dizziness or sudden motion. The feeling appears to be similar to being seasick and that the surroundings are spinning or falling. The feeling of being nauseas and want to throw up is very common with vertigo. If you suffer from vertigo, then perform the following exercises to bring back the balance you're looking for.
Eyes: To perform the balance exercises for your eyes, look up and down for about 20 times. Next, look from one side to the other for another 20 times. The final exercise starts with holding one finger in front of your eyes at a distance. Focus on the finger, slowly move the finger closer to you and back to starting position for about 20 times. Start slowly and then try to speed it up, but only if you feel comfortable.
Head: Keep your eyes open for all the head exercises. Bend your head forward and backward for about 20 times. To perform the second exercise, turn your head from one side to the other for about 20 times (as if you are saying no). For the final exercise, once you start to feel less dizzy, repeat both the exercises while keeping your eyes closed. Start slowly and then try to speed it up, but only if you feel comfortable.
Chair: This next workout is a perfect example of balance exercises for seniors. While sitting in the chair, shrug your shoulders about 20 times. To mix it up a bit, turn them to the right side and then the left side for about 20 times. As an extension to this workout, bend down towards the floor (as if you are trying to pick something up) and then return to the sitting position. Repeat this exercise 20 times.
Balance Exercises for Runners
Athletes are always on the lookout for better, more effective balancing exercises to improve themselves. To gain maximum strength, flexibility, and overall structure, balance exercises for athletes is a must.
Exercise Band: As your starting position, stand with keeping all your weight on the left leg. Bend the knee a bit and hold the band in your right hand. Keep the elbow completely extended, quickly pull the band with your left hand and then pull it down across your body. It will look as if you are trying to throw something on the floor. Keep your weight on the left leg and repeat this movement at least 20 times and then change the sides. Read more on resistance band exercises.
Walking Lunges: While performing the walking lunges, majority of your muscles in the body get the workout and feel maintaining balance, stability, and power. You can also add some weight to make the workout more intense. Hold an overhead weight while you're performing the walking lunges. First start without the weights and then once you are comfortable and don't feel dizzy, add a light bar or 5 lb weights to the exercise.
Simple Squats: Stand in front of the stairs and stand about 2 feet away from it. Place your left on the first stair, balance it, and raise your right foot off the floor. While your right foot is up, bend the left knee, and bring your torso down. Come forward and touch the stairs with your right hand (or as close as you can get). Make sure you don't lose your balance and both your right leg and right arm is extended. Hold the position for few seconds and come back to starting position. Repeat the exercise for about 10 times and then change the sides. Read more on squats without weights.
Balance Exercises for Kids
When you talk about exercising in front of kids, not many of them return the same kind of enthusiasm that comes from the parents. With child obesity risk elevating day by day, regular exercising is very important for kids. So what can parents do to "trick" them into working out? Why not merge the balance exercises with some fun activities. So, instead of purchasing new video games for your kid(s), give them:
Aerobic Squidgie Disc - Looks similar to frisbees; great as water sports.
Trampoline - Trampoline exercises are perfect fun activity that integrates exercise with sport.
Snowboard or Surfboard - Depending on where you live, both the activities are perfect for balancing.
Jump Rope - Skipping rope exercises are beneficial and effective for complete balance.
Ski Machine - Stationary ski machine workout; perfect for kids who can also learn skiing.
For additional balance exercises, go to:
Exercise Ball Workouts
Exercise Programs
Balance exercises help you decrease the risk of injury (no matter what you might be doing during the day) and improve your overall performance. Balanced strength and flexibility help you maintain a good, balanced lifestyle, for now and in the future.
The most integral part of balance exercises is the interaction between your mind and soul through various movements. Your eyes, ears, muscles, and joints are all connected to the brain, which means your body has to make required adjustments according to each movements you make. To obtain perfect alignment, the body actually readjusts itself to keep that balance and make you more efficient so that you use less muscles throughout the activity. A more technical term for in balance is called proprioception. When you gain perfect proprioception, your body has the sensibility to understand where your body is in space and how it should react. Undergoing balance exercises and training, no matter what your age may be, you gain the opportunity to improve the communication between your mind and body, and hence, improve your balance.
Balance Exercises for Vertigo
A person suffering from vertigo feels an illusion of dizziness or sudden motion. The feeling appears to be similar to being seasick and that the surroundings are spinning or falling. The feeling of being nauseas and want to throw up is very common with vertigo. If you suffer from vertigo, then perform the following exercises to bring back the balance you're looking for.
Eyes: To perform the balance exercises for your eyes, look up and down for about 20 times. Next, look from one side to the other for another 20 times. The final exercise starts with holding one finger in front of your eyes at a distance. Focus on the finger, slowly move the finger closer to you and back to starting position for about 20 times. Start slowly and then try to speed it up, but only if you feel comfortable.
Head: Keep your eyes open for all the head exercises. Bend your head forward and backward for about 20 times. To perform the second exercise, turn your head from one side to the other for about 20 times (as if you are saying no). For the final exercise, once you start to feel less dizzy, repeat both the exercises while keeping your eyes closed. Start slowly and then try to speed it up, but only if you feel comfortable.
Chair: This next workout is a perfect example of balance exercises for seniors. While sitting in the chair, shrug your shoulders about 20 times. To mix it up a bit, turn them to the right side and then the left side for about 20 times. As an extension to this workout, bend down towards the floor (as if you are trying to pick something up) and then return to the sitting position. Repeat this exercise 20 times.
Balance Exercises for Runners
Athletes are always on the lookout for better, more effective balancing exercises to improve themselves. To gain maximum strength, flexibility, and overall structure, balance exercises for athletes is a must.
Exercise Band: As your starting position, stand with keeping all your weight on the left leg. Bend the knee a bit and hold the band in your right hand. Keep the elbow completely extended, quickly pull the band with your left hand and then pull it down across your body. It will look as if you are trying to throw something on the floor. Keep your weight on the left leg and repeat this movement at least 20 times and then change the sides. Read more on resistance band exercises.
Walking Lunges: While performing the walking lunges, majority of your muscles in the body get the workout and feel maintaining balance, stability, and power. You can also add some weight to make the workout more intense. Hold an overhead weight while you're performing the walking lunges. First start without the weights and then once you are comfortable and don't feel dizzy, add a light bar or 5 lb weights to the exercise.
Simple Squats: Stand in front of the stairs and stand about 2 feet away from it. Place your left on the first stair, balance it, and raise your right foot off the floor. While your right foot is up, bend the left knee, and bring your torso down. Come forward and touch the stairs with your right hand (or as close as you can get). Make sure you don't lose your balance and both your right leg and right arm is extended. Hold the position for few seconds and come back to starting position. Repeat the exercise for about 10 times and then change the sides. Read more on squats without weights.
Balance Exercises for Kids
When you talk about exercising in front of kids, not many of them return the same kind of enthusiasm that comes from the parents. With child obesity risk elevating day by day, regular exercising is very important for kids. So what can parents do to "trick" them into working out? Why not merge the balance exercises with some fun activities. So, instead of purchasing new video games for your kid(s), give them:
Aerobic Squidgie Disc - Looks similar to frisbees; great as water sports.
Trampoline - Trampoline exercises are perfect fun activity that integrates exercise with sport.
Snowboard or Surfboard - Depending on where you live, both the activities are perfect for balancing.
Jump Rope - Skipping rope exercises are beneficial and effective for complete balance.
Ski Machine - Stationary ski machine workout; perfect for kids who can also learn skiing.
For additional balance exercises, go to:
Exercise Ball Workouts
Exercise Programs
Balance exercises help you decrease the risk of injury (no matter what you might be doing during the day) and improve your overall performance. Balanced strength and flexibility help you maintain a good, balanced lifestyle, for now and in the future.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
The art of being one self
The art of being one self
"Every one is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life, believing it is stupid." - Albert Einstein
"Please let me help you, so you don't down, said the monkey to the fish, helping him safely up a tree" - Alan Watts.
The idea is that we are all unique, incomparable. Equal in value, but unique in expression.
I mean this to be meaning we all have abilities that no one has ever seen before. Not even the person with the ability. Abilities that can be developed into talents, when nurtured.
And the only real way to find out what that is, is be one self.
Right now, there are things that is possible, that has never been possible before. Never have for instance, all the atoms in the universe been in this particular arrangement ever before, and never will they be so again. (although "never" is a very long time, so there is no true way to tell).
What is at any given moment possible, is in the true scheme of things, Unknowable. So to say things like "that's impossible", or "I can't do that", is something one believe. Not something that can truly be known.
Now perhaps the challenge in proving everyone is a genius, is to do so, you need a way to measure it. Some thing to compare it up against. And I'm here trying to prove that no such measurement exists.
And when we fictitiously invent any such measurement systems, we reduce any form if genius that does not fit into that system to a dumb person. Like the well known IQ tests, witch discards the intelligence of a dancer, or being social, or any number of things.
This point then of course makes a hard case for any form of competing, where you have a limiting set of rules. Like school test scores or sports.
One can then, with a panel of judges, judge people an idiot based on their own set of values. Like a dancer would be an idiot based on him or her's performance in math.
The value of the dancers love of dance is untouchable. No test, or measurement can ever say if the dancers love to dance, is more or less then anyone else. And even if it could, what would such a value be?
To me, the ones that can't love what they do; compete. Because if you do love what you do, your to occupied with what your doing, to care if anyone else does it better or not.
I think, maybe one of the most popular ideas against being you self, all though it in no way have to be, is earning a living. Making money.
"one cannot just do whatever one wants, one must make a living, one must survive". Or some such.
But under such a "pressure" it would be a true challenge to find ones own unique genius expression in life. To use so much time and effort against being one self.
When one does not give this idea to much of a value, to be more ones true authentic core self, one would find that one have hidden talents that screams to be expressed.
The idea is, that when one do what one wants, with integrity, one becomes better and better at it, and sooner or later you will have something unique that no one has ever seen. And there is always someone interested in something.
Or the absurd fear of being strange, weird, odd. And of course being one self, one is destined to be odd. Because by definition, being normal, is to try and be like everyone else, and since everyone is unique and un-comparable, that is an impossibility. And thus, quite insane.
What I think would be more sane, is to be natural, rather than normal. Naturally your self.
It's perhaps a pity that it's not normal that we are all strange. Since we all are regardless.
In some sense, it is impossible to not be one self, since whatever act one plays, IS an act oneself is playing. But I mean here, doing things that goes against what we want for our self. That makes us feel disempowered.
So why is it an art to be one self?
We are all our self from time to time. Or else we would not even understand the expression. Like when we say, "with that person I can be my self" or "when I'm on vacation, I can be my self."
One is not competing with anyone, one is not trying to be more that one is, like what ever one is, is not enough, simply by being. One is not afraid of being judged unfit in some way. One fits in perfectly. And there are no conditions needing to be met.
It's in this state of being, one is the most sane. It is also the state of being that fosters creativity.
For creativity has it's own rhythm. It's own timing. It does not work well under the timing of a conveyor belt time. It comes spontaneously of it's own, when one is relaxed, and lets go of "I should".
This is why so many greats ideas is born on the toilet, or in bed just before one fall asleep.
I believe the western school system is much to blame for killing creativity, but need not be, and is not in many parts of the world.
In school you are often if not always, doing whatever you do, for another reason, that to just do what you do. Like you do a paper, not because you love to do papers, but to get a good grade, and you get a good grade, to get a good job, and you are doing a good job to get payed, and you get payed so you can do what you want, but you can't just do what you want because you need to work to get payed.
In other words, we then, in this system, learn that in order to do what you want, you have to do what you don't want. Witch is a very inefficient way of going about things. It nearly never get's you there. While at the same time, you are always here. In this system, we would eat a meal to not starve, rather than eating a meal, because eating a meal is good.
This is the mysterious play, that gets lost as we grow older. A kid would play because playing is fun. A grown up would play, because playing is good for you, and to be quite frank, that's not playing, that's work.
So in schools then, we learn this conformity idea we call being normal. And spend almost no time on trying to figure out what makes us unique and special. What our true talents are. We in other words, paradoxically, don't learn how to learn. Just how to repeat.
So the real question I then want to ask everyone
"Please let me help you, so you don't down, said the monkey to the fish, helping him safely up a tree" - Alan Watts.
The idea is that we are all unique, incomparable. Equal in value, but unique in expression.
I mean this to be meaning we all have abilities that no one has ever seen before. Not even the person with the ability. Abilities that can be developed into talents, when nurtured.
And the only real way to find out what that is, is be one self.
Right now, there are things that is possible, that has never been possible before. Never have for instance, all the atoms in the universe been in this particular arrangement ever before, and never will they be so again. (although "never" is a very long time, so there is no true way to tell).
What is at any given moment possible, is in the true scheme of things, Unknowable. So to say things like "that's impossible", or "I can't do that", is something one believe. Not something that can truly be known.
Now perhaps the challenge in proving everyone is a genius, is to do so, you need a way to measure it. Some thing to compare it up against. And I'm here trying to prove that no such measurement exists.
And when we fictitiously invent any such measurement systems, we reduce any form if genius that does not fit into that system to a dumb person. Like the well known IQ tests, witch discards the intelligence of a dancer, or being social, or any number of things.
This point then of course makes a hard case for any form of competing, where you have a limiting set of rules. Like school test scores or sports.
One can then, with a panel of judges, judge people an idiot based on their own set of values. Like a dancer would be an idiot based on him or her's performance in math.
The value of the dancers love of dance is untouchable. No test, or measurement can ever say if the dancers love to dance, is more or less then anyone else. And even if it could, what would such a value be?
To me, the ones that can't love what they do; compete. Because if you do love what you do, your to occupied with what your doing, to care if anyone else does it better or not.
I think, maybe one of the most popular ideas against being you self, all though it in no way have to be, is earning a living. Making money.
"one cannot just do whatever one wants, one must make a living, one must survive". Or some such.
But under such a "pressure" it would be a true challenge to find ones own unique genius expression in life. To use so much time and effort against being one self.
When one does not give this idea to much of a value, to be more ones true authentic core self, one would find that one have hidden talents that screams to be expressed.
The idea is, that when one do what one wants, with integrity, one becomes better and better at it, and sooner or later you will have something unique that no one has ever seen. And there is always someone interested in something.
Or the absurd fear of being strange, weird, odd. And of course being one self, one is destined to be odd. Because by definition, being normal, is to try and be like everyone else, and since everyone is unique and un-comparable, that is an impossibility. And thus, quite insane.
What I think would be more sane, is to be natural, rather than normal. Naturally your self.
It's perhaps a pity that it's not normal that we are all strange. Since we all are regardless.
In some sense, it is impossible to not be one self, since whatever act one plays, IS an act oneself is playing. But I mean here, doing things that goes against what we want for our self. That makes us feel disempowered.
So why is it an art to be one self?
We are all our self from time to time. Or else we would not even understand the expression. Like when we say, "with that person I can be my self" or "when I'm on vacation, I can be my self."
One is not competing with anyone, one is not trying to be more that one is, like what ever one is, is not enough, simply by being. One is not afraid of being judged unfit in some way. One fits in perfectly. And there are no conditions needing to be met.
It's in this state of being, one is the most sane. It is also the state of being that fosters creativity.
For creativity has it's own rhythm. It's own timing. It does not work well under the timing of a conveyor belt time. It comes spontaneously of it's own, when one is relaxed, and lets go of "I should".
This is why so many greats ideas is born on the toilet, or in bed just before one fall asleep.
I believe the western school system is much to blame for killing creativity, but need not be, and is not in many parts of the world.
In school you are often if not always, doing whatever you do, for another reason, that to just do what you do. Like you do a paper, not because you love to do papers, but to get a good grade, and you get a good grade, to get a good job, and you are doing a good job to get payed, and you get payed so you can do what you want, but you can't just do what you want because you need to work to get payed.
In other words, we then, in this system, learn that in order to do what you want, you have to do what you don't want. Witch is a very inefficient way of going about things. It nearly never get's you there. While at the same time, you are always here. In this system, we would eat a meal to not starve, rather than eating a meal, because eating a meal is good.
This is the mysterious play, that gets lost as we grow older. A kid would play because playing is fun. A grown up would play, because playing is good for you, and to be quite frank, that's not playing, that's work.
So in schools then, we learn this conformity idea we call being normal. And spend almost no time on trying to figure out what makes us unique and special. What our true talents are. We in other words, paradoxically, don't learn how to learn. Just how to repeat.
So the real question I then want to ask everyone
What must you believe is true, in order to choose to think it serves you to not be yourself?
Jose Silva + Joe Dispenza - Becoming Supernatural Alpha-Theta Meditation...
I wanted to share todays meditation
7th march 2023
its a full moon energy
joe consciousness,
jose silva,
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
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Descartes' Laws of Motion
The motion of these particles and all other objects in nature are subject to the laws of motion Descartes had observed:
1) “…each particular part of matter always continues in the same state unless collision with others forces it to change its state.”
2) “…when one of these bodies pushes another it cannot give the other any motion except by losing as much of its own motion at the same time…”
3) “…when a body is moving…each of its parts individually tends always to continue moving along a straight line”

Is it The act, activity or the sport. Or is it just “legal blows”. box·ing